Be Trendy, Stay Timeless + Find Your Balance

Be Trendy, Stay Timeless + Find Your Balance

Balance in design is like balance in life - the struggle is real, worth it, and everyone’s will look different. One balancing act is the proportions of Trendy/Timeless elements.

Trendy inventory gets people in your doors and off online shopping sprees. Timeless classics cultivate loyalty - sell someone that one piece they never tire of and you’ve made a friend (and customer) for life.

There's a push and pull between the Trendy and Timeless. Regardless of which way you or your clientele lean, it's always refreshing to explore new styles. I think we’ve all got a little of this eclectic side in us. So, this month we’re highlighting some of the designs we scoped out in Paris and pairing them with Trendy/Timeless Design Inspo from our new and classic inventories.